A Book To Think, A Book To Cry and A Book To Smile

Daily writing prompt
List three books that have had an impact on you. Why?
  1. As Long As The Lemon Trees Grow by Zoulfa Katouh
  2. Hearts Turn by Michael Sugich
  3. Love from A to Z by S.K. Ali.

Lemon Trees was graphic, moving, intense with vivid storytelling. It made me reflect, think, cry and gave me hope. The humanity behind the deep struggles that may be hard for us to understand from the outside looking in.

Hearts Turn was eye-opening, touching, and a mixture of emotions as it is a combination of stories from many. But each story has its own specialty. It reminded me that everyone has their own journey home.

Love from A to Z gave me warm fuzzy feelings… a light-hearted read that made me smile, laugh, destress and ponder too. Rooting for Adam and Zaynab all the way! Looking forward to read the sequel, Love from Mecca to Medina soon.

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